While these aren’t going to be the very best decks in Descent of Dragons, for those on a budget, we reckon they’ll get you pretty far if you’re looking to save yourself some cash. Even if you’re a veteran with plenty of currency to spend, it’s still worth crafting one of these decks early on as you never really know how the meta is going to shake out. We’ll have another big update for you after launch, but for the moment, here’s our pick of the best budget decks to get your up and running in Descent of Dragons.

Budget Descent of Dragons Druid Deck List

Here’s a version of Token Druid for the Doom in the Tomb era of Saviors of Uldum. The deck contains two Legendary minions, but both SN1P-SN4P and Archmage Vargoth should already be in your collection, as they were given away for free recently, but if you don’t have them, it’s not essential. Just bung in a couple of Violet Teachers or Harvest Golems instead. This deck (excluding the two free Legendaries) costs 1240 dust to craft from scratch, but you probably have a good chunk of the cards already. Replacements-wise, Garden Gnome is a great addition ahead of some of the less powerful cards too, activated by The Forest’s Aid. (Our Token Druid guide will help you pilot this deck if you need some tips for getting started.) TOKEN DRUID Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAaa4AwLWmQOftwMOQIEC/QL3A+YFsQjf+wL2/QKMgAPDlAPOlAPKnAPTnAOvogMA

Budget Descent of Dragons Hunter Deck List

This budget Face Hunter is a super-fast deck that can finish your enemies off extremely quickly if they’re playing something more control-focused. You’re basically trying to play cheap Beasts and Secrets whilst constantly hitting your Hero Power button, ideally along with Phase Stalker so you can put Secrets into play for free. Spellzerker offers extra damage from Rapid Fire and Arcane shot when damaged, and a whole bunch of your spells are able to deal immediate face damage from hand, so you’re always looking to count for lethal. If you can afford it, take out a Timber Wolf and a Spellzerker in favour of a couple of copies of Toxic Reinforcements - it’s super strong when you’re trying to hit your Hero Power button a bunch. We’ve got a Face Hunter guide which goes into more detail on playing this archetype - chuck in Dragonbane too if you’re feeling like a more intense curve-topper is what you want. FACE HUNTER Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAR8EogKHBMMIo4cDDagCtQPJBJIF7QaXCNsJ/gzv8QLslgPzpwP7rwP8rwMA

Budget Descent of Dragons Mage Deck List

We’ve got a Secret Mage deck that’s pretty simple to play and easy enough to pilot. Unfortunately, the archetype didn’t receive the help it needed in this most recent expansion, but if you happen to have extra dust or cards, it’s worth checking out our Cyclone Mage guide to upgrade things somewhat. SECRET MAGE Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAf0EAA9xngHDAbsCqwTmBJYF7AXJDe/xAr6YA76kA7+kA92pA/SrAwA=

Budget Descent of Dragons Paladin Deck List

Mech Paladin is a strong deck in the current metagame. It’s aggressively-minded, requiring you to stack Mech minions on top of each other and hit face hard before your enemy can react. Chuck your Wargear onto a Goblin Bomb for a big wedge of guaranteed face damage, and Hot Air Balloon can gain Health every turn to buff themselves up constantly. (Have a look through our core Mech Paladin guide for more help playing this archetype.) MECH PALADIN Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAZ8FAA/PBpH7Apj7Avb9Atb+Atf+Atn+AuH+AomAA4yAA8yBA4euA+qwA+ywA4KxAwA=

Budget Descent of Dragons Priest Deck List

Combo Priest is a tough deck to play and requires a lot of thinking ahead to best skilled opponents. This is especially true with this budget version, as we’re unable to play High Priest Amet and Bwonsamdi, the Dead. All the tools you need are there though, so give it a shot even without the extra legendaries. We’ve put Emperor Thaurissan in there too, as that discount can make it far easier to pull off some spicy combos. This version of Combo Priest will cost 1380 Dust to craft from nothing. If you happen to have the cards or extra dust, feel free to toss in a Psychopomp or two to replace Vol’jin or a Silence. (For more help playing this kind of deck, have a look at our comprehensive Combo Priest guide which contains loads of tips and tricks.) COMBO PRIEST Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAa0GBKUJ1grl9wLQ/gIN+ALlBPYH1QjRCtIK8gz3DPsMg5QD0qUD/acDhKgDAA==

Budget Descent of Dragons Rogue Deck List

Thief Rogue has received a lot of help with all the Wild cards coming back to Standard for Doom in the Tomb. Here’s our latest budget version, featuring Shaku, the Collector as a free card everyone gets to try out. This deck will set you back 1300 Dust if you’ve got an empty collection at the moment. (Head over to our Tempo Rogue guide for tips on how to play this kind of deck - you’ll want to keep tempo whilst taking into advantage of your Thief synergies.) THIEF ROGUE Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAaIHArSRA6bvAg60Ae0CywP1pwOomAOtqAOIB80D+5oDx/gCj5cDkJcD/poDqqgDAA==

Budget Descent of Dragons Shaman Deck List

Murloc Shaman has been at the top of the meta for a while. Here’s our budget version, for 1400 dust, but if you can, slot in a couple of Murloc Warleaders, as they’ll improve the deck massively. It still works without them though!: (Our Murloc Shaman guide goes in-depth on how to get more out of this kind of Hearthstone deck.) MURLOC SHAMAN Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAfWfAwAPvwHFA9sD/gPjBdAHkwnw8wLiiQOMlAO1mAPGmQP0mQOvpwPKqwMA

Budget Descent of Dragons Warlock Deck List

Zoo Warlock is one of Hearthstone’s evergreen archetypes, and our version costs just 1280 Dust to build. We’ve slotted in Imp Gang Boss, as it’s been added to the Standard format for the Doom in the Tomb event, so you can give it a try if you never got to play with the card back in its day. (Head over to our Zoo Warlock guide for tips on how to play this kind of deck.) ZOO WARLOCK Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAf0GAA/yAfUFwgjchgP2/QL6pAPT+ALOBzDZB4idA7EIxIkD9PcC/KQDAA==

Budget Descent of Dragons Warrior Deck List

Warrior is known as one of the more ‘expensive’ classes to find a good deck for. Often, a lot of legendaries are required to make it work. However, here is our favourite Tempo Warrior deck list, making use of the free Legendary minion Archmage Vargoth. This Tempo Warrior deck will cost 2880 dust if you happen to have none of the cards already in your collection. If you can, feel free to replace some of the less powerful cards like Upgradeable Framebot with the likes of Livewire Lance and Leeroy Jenkins. (Head over to our Aggro Warrior guide for tips on how to play this kind of deck.) PIRATE WARRIOR Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: AAECAQcADxywApED/wOOBdQF7gbnB8+JA9ytA92tA/muA+iwA+mwA4KxAwA= That’s it for our guide on budget decks for the brand new Descent of Dragons expansion! Check out our full deck tier list for more info on all the best decks to play, and we’ll keep you updated as the meta develops.