Monster Hunter World Iceborne monster list guide
Our Monster Hunter World Iceborne monster list guide has a selection of the bosses encountered so far, with guides for each boss via the links below:
Iceborne monster list guides
The list of guides below is a small portion of the full list of Monster Hunter World Iceborne monsters, both the new monsters and new variants. To make it easier to find the monster you’re looking to defeat, I’ve segmented the list into the three different types: large monsters, Elder Dragons, and the new variants.
New large monsters
Beotodus - The first monster you fight is an ice version of the fish wyverns. Banbaro - This stag-like monster charges quickly and can use trees and rocks to flatten you. Barioth - This winged beast is incredibly fast and produces ice tornadoes. Nargacuga - A bat-like wyvern that uses its tail feathers to make hunters bleed. Glavenus - A dinosaur-like monster with a fiery bladed tail. Tigrex - This fan favourite has a large number of resistances based on terrain. Brachydios - Watch out for the explosive slime this monster produces. Zinogre
New Elder Dragons
Velkhana - An Elder Dragon that uses ice abilities. Namielle Blackveil Vaal Hazak Yian Garuga Scarred Yian Garuga Shara Ishvalda Safi’jiiva Ruiner Nergigante
New variants
Viper Tobi-Kadachi - It’s a Tobi-Kadachi that can cause Bleed, Paralysis, and Poison. Nightshade Paolumu - This annoying variant of Paolumu spits out sleep inducing clouds. Coral Pukei-Pukei - A Pukei-Pukei that shoots water from its tail. Shrieking Legiana - A variant of the Legiana that can encase itself in ice. Fulgur Anjanath - It’s an Anjanath that has electrical attacks. Acidic Glavenus Ebony Odogaron Savage Deviljho Seething Bazelgeuse Gold Rathian Silver Rathalos
Monster Hunter World Iceborne guides
We have a whole host of other useful Monster Hunter World Iceborne guide pages for your convenience. Why not take a gander? Monster Hunter World guide - Our guide hub for Monster Hunter World, including the basics, weapon and armour trees, and boss guides. Monster Hunter World Iceborne guide - Our guide hub for the Iceborne expansion to Monster Hunter World, including new features, the new hub area, and more. Monster Hunter World Iceborne weapons - All the weapons in Iceborne and the recipes for each one. Monster Hunter World Iceborne armor - All the armor recipes and the best Monster Hunter World Iceborne builds.